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Frequently Asked Questions

Your health is everything. Having questions about something new is just human nature. Looking better, feeling better, and functioning at your best are easier than you think. We’re here to help.

What to Expect

During an initial consultation, we will evaluate your health concerns and wellness goals from a perspective that encompasses a whole-body approach. Together, you will develop a personalized plan for well-being that may include comprehensive, functional diagnostics to help uncover the recommendations needed on nutrition, stress management, personalized dietary modifications, nutritional supplements, and other complementary tools to help rapidly heal your body and help you become symptom-free and feeling your best as quickly as possible. Most patients notice remarkable improvements within the first few days.

Will You Take My Insurance?

Insurance generally does not cover the services that functional medicine provides, but this is what allows us to go beyond what conventional, insurance-based medicine offers, which is primarily abbreviated testing and drug-therapy only. The cutbacks from insurance companies limit the ability to provide people with the answers and solutions they are seeking when searching for an office like ours. Therefore, we do not bill insurance at this office but are happy to provide you with an itemized statement to submit to insurance on your own for potential reimbursement. Having said that, we do accept HSA and FSA, and we offer very affordable interest-free payment options or cash pay discounts for anyone who would end up needing care at this office. It is a very simple and easy process.

What Is Your Treatment Approach?

While traditionally patients are used to receiving prescriptions or surgical recommendations in a conventional setting, most patients come to this office seeking a different approach to regain their health, and not just mask their symptoms. Some patients are on medications that they would rather not be dependent on. We seek to find the root causes of illness and optimize the body’s healing capacity by addressing the underlying causes of imbalance. We use an individualized approach and tailor our care plans perfectly toward all the unique issues found in your labs. This approach is what has allowed us a very high success rate in patient outcomes and what has earned us the reputation and many awards in this field.

What About My Regular Doctor?

You can continue to see your primary doctor for your routine care. We are happy to communicate with your primary care provider if you would like us to, but we do not provide primary care services. We provide a whole-body approach that addresses all dysfunctions causing issues in the body. We utilize all-natural, research-based, dietary, and nutritional approaches to optimize the body, to heal from the inside out vs. merely using medications to mask symptoms. We then rerun labs so you can see all issues or symptoms have resolved. We encourage you to share the results with your primary doctor as they will be very impressed!

Do You Only See Patients in San Diego?

Although we prefer in-office visits with our local patients, we have successfully seen patients all over the country, virtually, via zoom or phone appointments. We can typically send all test kits and requisition forms directly to the patient, as well as mail any supplies they may need throughout their care plan.

What Do You Charge for Services?

Providing out-of-pocket care is simple and easy. Initial visits are typically $295 and follow-up visits are $199. Please keep in mind that this may not include any diagnostics, nutritional products, or medical supplies you may need. Since each patient is unique in presentation, what you may need will be discussed and determined in an initial consultation, we will go over it in detail with you at that time. We do accept HSA, FSA, checks, credit cards, or convenient monthly payment plans as low as $99 per month. We can work with you if you need the help.

Look Better.  Feel Better.  Function Better.