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Attend one of our Complimentary Dinner Seminars on Functional Medicine

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine is becoming such a buzz word as it relates to modern healthcare. But what is it exactly? Instead of merely prescribing drugs to mask symptoms such as blood sugar issues, cholesterol, blood pressure, thyroid problems, skin issues, digestive disorders, anxiety, memory concerns, hormone problems, weight gain, etc… Functional Medicine uses very specific laboratory tests to get to the ROOT CAUSE of what exactly is causing the problem to begin with. It is a whole-body approach which addresses dysfunctions causing issues in the body. We utilize all natural, research-based, dietary & nutritional approaches to optimize the body, to heal from the inside-out. We then rerun labs so you can see all issues or symptoms have resolved.

Dining table with dinner and crockery set

Free Educational Dinner Events

Advanced Functional Medicine is proud to host educational dinner events throughout our seminar calendar in 2025. These dinner events are free to attend and have inspired thousands of San Diego residents to live better and feel their very best. Because our events fill quickly, space is limited! Check back often, as we only have a few of these events available.
Attendees gain access to our world-class doctors, who will help educate you on your unique circumstance and present the steps necessary to improve your quality of life. Seminars are typically held at various restaurants throughout San Diego, where you’ll receive a free meal! Don’t wait another day to start living better. Reserve your spot at a free educational event today.

2025 Dinner Seminar Calendar

Miguel's Cocina - 4S Ranch - TOPIC: Functional Medicine - Revolutionizing Health

10514 Craftsman Way, San Diego, CA 92127

Thurs. March 27 at 5:30pm
Tues. April 1 at 5:30pm
Tues. April 8 at 5:30pm

The Crossings at Carlsbad - Canyons Restaurant - TOPIC: Functional Medicine Mini-Masterclass
Cocina del Charro - Escondido - TOPIC: Improving Cognitive and Brain Function

890 W Valley Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92025

Wed. April 16 at 5:30pm
Thurs. May 1 at 5:30pm

Limited Space / Register Now to Attend

96% Success Rate in Patient Outcomes

Look Better.  Feel Better.  Function Better.