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San Diego’s Premier Functional Medicine Clinic

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That’s ok. We’re set up to work with patients remotely, even in other states.
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Schedule an In-Person or Online Consultation. We're also set up to work with patients remotely, even in other states.

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Comprehensive Lab Testing

Based on your consultation, we will choose appropriate labs. We conduct the most comprehensive lab testing in our industry to uncover the root cause of your symptoms. Over 200+ biomarkers.

Personalized Plan of Action

We personalized a plan of action including dietary, supplements, nutritional, and lifestyle changes to restore immediate balance and vibrance to your body.

Look Better. Feel Better.
Function Better.

Live a longer life. Slow the effects of aging. Enjoy more energy, better digestion, less medications, and improved sleep. Feel your best ever.

Premier Functional Medicine Care

in San Diego

Advanced Functional Medicine is San Diego’s largest and longest standing Functional Medicine Clinic. Transform your health and unlock your full potential with personalized care to address your unique needs. Advanced Functional Medicine brings expert functional medicine to San Diego and the surrounding areas, offering a comprehensive approach that encompasses complete health and wellness. By focusing on the root causes of conditions such as hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, and digestive issues, we provide effective solutions that lead to long-term well-being. Our tailored treatment plans incorporate advanced diagnostics, natural effective therapies, and evidence-based practices to help you feel your best. Experience innovative, focused healthcare designed to create lasting change that you will feel instantly.


What Is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine represents an innovative and patient-centric approach to healthcare, addressing chronic conditions by focusing on the root causes of illness rather than masking symptoms. It merges advanced diagnostic techniques from conventional medicine with holistic, natural therapies to promote deep, lasting healing that is noticed immediately. For individuals struggling with autoimmune disorders, functional medicine works to calm inflammation and re-balance the immune system. Those with thyroid issues benefit from personalized care aimed at restoring hormonal harmony. Digestive disorders are addressed by identifying triggers and improving gut microbiome health. Weight loss is achieved by restoring lost metabolic, adrenal, and hormone function. This comprehensive method alleviates symptoms while fostering true wellness by prioritizing the body’s natural ability to heal. The results are noticed within days.

Why Choose Our Functional Medicine Center?

Advanced Functional Medicine focuses on personalized care that addresses the root causes of health concerns. Our integrative team includes dietitians, nutritionists, nurses, doctors, naturopaths, health coaches, and even a holistic therapist. Your team will use comprehensive testing and innovative treatments tailored to your unique needs. We prioritize understanding your body’s systems and creating strategies that support long-term wellness and balance. Every plan is carefully designed based on your lab results to improve your quality of life and help you achieve sustainable results. By combining science-backed methods with genuine compassion and care, we provide solutions that empower you to take control of your health. Your well-being is our mission, and we are committed to guiding you toward lasting vitality.


Here Are The Health Conditions We Treat Using Functional Medicine

We focus on providing personalized care to address various health conditions. By targeting the root causes, we help patients achieve lasting improvements with our functional medicine care. Our team uses evidence-based strategies and a patient-centered approach to create customized treatment plans. Below, you’ll find the health concerns we specialize in treating:

Functional Medicine
Female Health
Autoimmune Disorders
Digestive Disorders
Thyroid Issues
Weight Loss

What You’ll Experience at Our Center

At our medical center, patients can expect a lot more than just symptom management. We believe in providing care that supports long-term health and vitality. During your evaluation, we take the time to understand your medical history, lifestyle, and health goals. You’ll undergo comprehensive testing to uncover underlying issues and receive a personalized treatment plan to optimize your well-being while you’re here, and prioritizes education, empowering you with the tools, knowledge, and a roadmap to maintain your progress moving forward.

How to Take The Next Step Toward Better Health

Your path to wellness starts with a simple consultation. Connect with us to discuss your health concerns, goals, and how functional medicine can transform your life. Whether you’re just wanting to feel your best, or managing autoimmune disorders, thyroid concerns, or any other chronic condition – our expert team is here to guide you. By addressing the underlying factors impacting your well-being, we empower you to take control of your health and achieve lasting results. Take charge of your health today and experience the difference functional medicine can make. It’s instantly life changing.


Visit Us for Reliable Functional Medicine Care

Your health is one of your greatest assets. Take the next step toward lasting wellness by scheduling your consultation at Advanced Functional Medicine in San Diego. Our expert team of functional medicine professionals are dedicated to helping you reclaim balance, energy, and vitality with personalized care that truly addresses your needs. Don’t settle for drugs or management of symptoms – discover the power of functional medicine to create meaningful, long-term change. Contact us today and take control of your health. Your path to a healthier, happier future begins now.

Customer Reviews

Advanced Functional Medicine

5405 Morehouse Drive, Suite 135
San Diego, CA 92121


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Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

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Look Better.  Feel Better.  Function Better.